Diggy Piggies

© 80HD Games, Inc.
Global Game Jam (GGJ) 2023 Submission

Developed in Godot (GDScript)

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Team Size: 4

My Roles:

  • - Collaborated with another programmer, GDScript

    - Scripted the Gopher's AI

    - Created and setup tweens, adding character/polish to various objects

    - Released source under MIT-license on GitHub (See bottom of page for link)

  • - Composed music in TuxGuitar

    - Integrated SFX, collaborating with another sound designer

  • - Designed and implemented much of the UI

  • - Utilized GitHub Issues to report and monitor bugs

The theme for the jam was, "Roots."

Software/Tools Used:

  • Godot
  • Aseprite
  • GitHub
  • TuxGuitar

Source Code: