© 80HD Games, Inc.

Developed in Unity (C#)

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Team Size: 5+

Best College Prototype @ MassDiGI’s Annual Game Challenge (2014)

My Roles:

  • - Collaborated with another programmer, C#

    - Incorporated a third-party plugin (iOS Native) for GameCenter leaderboards & achievements

  • - Composed music in GarageBand

    - Located and created SFX

    - Voice acting

  • - Used third-party plugin NGUI to setup UI

  • - Distributed iOS builds via TestFlight

    - Handled App Store meta entry, store page setup, and build submission

  • - Created promo art seen above

    - Worked on various textures including the shopkeeper's texture

  • - Created various 3D models in Cheetah3D including the shopkeeper

    - Rigged and animated the shopkeeper, along with some of the other characters

  • - Playtested builds via TestFlight

    - Utilized Mantis Bug Tracker to report and monitor bugs

iPad Playthrough - Indie DB

Software/Tools Used:

  • Unity
  • MonoDevelop
  • Subversion (SVN)
  • GIMP
  • Cheetah3D
  • Audacity
  • GarageBand
  • TestFlight
  • Mantis Bug Tracker

*Previously available iOS Universal (Released 2015)